Archive for August 2012

A Paper by Wilson Crawford

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Wilson Crawford was one of my weight training students this past year and right before districts he told me he couldn't lift weights because he had to save his energy for districts.  I told him that was fine as long as he wrote me a paper saying what track meant to him.  Below is part of the paper I got from him...reading something like this makes high school athletics worth every bit of time everyone puts into it.

Wilson Crawford    -    Faith Bible Grad 2012

The people and events that challenge you the most change you the most.  There are many challenges I've been through, but one of the greatest challenges I've been through is track & field.  This sport challenges many parts of me: character, self-control, body, seizing opportunity and my attitude towards life.  This is because it challenges all of those areas forcing you to adapt and better prepare those areas of yourself to face those challenges.  Facing the challenges of track has changed me and made me a better person able to face life and take on challenges.

Getting beat and losing almost every time you race is a humbling experience, harder yet is realizing that as a Christian you should congratulate the people that have bested you.  This realization and acting on it has made me a more humble person and improved my character.  I have often heard the phrase "never accept defeat", most would think that excepting defeat would mean that I wouldn't try as hard the next meet, but in accepting the defeat I was handed in the previous track meet I take an honest look at what I did wrong and at what I need to improve on in order to do better next time.  I you don't do this and make excuses instead for your defeats and mistakes it is much harder to improve yourself.  Track  and field has made me realize that you should take responsibility for your defeats and you can achieve victory next time.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the sfe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Brem. Discover."- Mark Twain.  Looking back as I'm about to finsish my high school track season I wish I had tried more events.  I have learned that I need to go and explore every opportunity in life even if I don't think I might like it, it could turn out to be something I'm passionate about.  I might regret not doing some things in track, but I certainly don't regret doing track at all, it has been an amazing experience and the lessons I have learned have helped me in life and will continue to help me throughout life.

KELLEN LUEY named Chinese Athlete of the Year

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Kellen Luey who just graduated from Faith in 2012 won the distinguished Oregon male Chinese athlete of the year award from the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association.  This is a huge honor and Kellen won this award over all chinese athletes in the state of Oregon including many 6A athletes who were nominated.  Kellen has contributed in bigs ways to the Faith athletic program in soccer, basketball, baseball & track.  Not only did Kellen contribute to Faith on the field but he was also an excellent student and was involved in many community service projects.  What a huge honor given to a extremely deserving student/athlete.  We are very proud of you Kellen!

Kellen is now playing soccer on scholarship at Corban University.  The team just played their first game of the year this week at Cal State Stanislaus were they ended in a tie at 1-1.  We will try to keep 
everyone updated on his season this year here on the Faith Bible Athletics blog.

Click on any of the images below to see them enlarged!

Kellen receiving his athlete of the year award & his senior soccer pic.

Kellen playing in the 2011 homecoming game at Faith

Kellen's new ride!!!!

Corban's 2012 team soccer photo


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Kelsey Wright who graduated from Faith this past year is the first athlete that I know of in Faith Bible history to be a two sport athlete in college.  Kelsey received a scholarship from Corban University and will be playing volleyball this fall and track and field in the spring.  Here is a link to Corban's volleyball site where you can see Kelsey on the roster.  Congratulations to Kelsey on her athletic and academic success and we will keep everyone updated on her collegiate career here on this blog.

Below are some pictures of Kelsey at the state track meet signing her letter of intent to participate in track at Corban.  Just below those photos are a few from the Corban website.

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