"The Shirt" 2012

"The Shirt" in 2011 was a big hit amongst the fans and family of Faith Bible.  Since it was such a success last year, we are offering a similar replica in case you didn't get one last year.  This years "I Love My Falcons" shirt will be the same only on a grey shirt with navy blue words.  Prices are $10 for a t-shirt, $15 for a long sleeve & $20 for a sweatshirt.

Now for the unveiling of "the shirt" for 2012.  The shirt this year will be from the chant adopted by our sports teams last year that went like this....I....I believe....I believe that.....I believe that we.....I believe that we will....I believe that we will win....I believe that we will win....I believe that we will win!!!!!!
Though out team and crowd chants about believing that we will be victors...that is exactly what the Bible tells us in Romas 8:37, "in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us!"  So even though we might not win every competition we play in we can be confident that Jesus has defeated death and that true victory really is ours!  

Just like last year 20% of the profit on the shirts will go to Faith Bible athletics.  T-shirts are $10,  long sleeve $15 and sweat shirts are $20.  Contact the Faith Bible HS office to order your shirt today.  Thanks for your support of Faith Bible athletics!!!!!!!!!!

This entry was posted on Monday, September 3, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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